
Showing posts from April, 2012

SharePoint 2010 Search Wrong Sort Order by Title

We newly realized that the SharePoint Search has a strage effect when you sort the results by title. We have a custom java application, which uses the SharePoint search web service to query  and display search result from a non SharePoint Site. When we order the search by title with the expression "Order by" either in keyword or sql syntax  we have results like that: a aa aaa b ba bc bd tt z ac  ' Search starts new order ad cd fg The first 50 results are ordered, than the next 50 and so on. After digging a while and contacting the MS support we found out that this is a SharePoint bug with multiple indexes. If you have multiple indexes in your search application you'll get this result. Solution The MS Support said that the bugfix we'll be delivered with the CU April 2012. Another result is to create a second search service application with one index. Than you can assign this service to a custom webapplication which you can create specia...

Get Username in Nintex Workflow 2010

If you select a user list field to be displayed in Nintex E-Mails you usually get the user login, like "domain/cmasters". If you want to display the full name of a user, you can use the "Search User Profile" Action in the "Integration" tab. Search User Profile When you configure the action, you can select the user list field from the item to be saved in a text variable. You can also select which profile property to read and to be saved in the variable. Configure Action Now you can use the variable in all other actions.

Display Name in SharePoint is out of synch

In some SharePoint installations there is often a problem with display names of users. As an example: The display name of a user in an organization consists of his firstname surname and orginizational unit like: Betty Looser (RD/F) If Betty gets married and changes her unit, SharePoint should show her new name and unit Betty Winner (FR/I) but it displays still the old one. More worse in some sitecollections the name is displayed correctly whereas in others not. Why is this happening ? This happens because SharePoint stores all user, which were ever logged in a site collection in a special database table " UserInfo Table ". This information is stored for every site collection. The contents of this table are displayed by a hidden SharePoint list called "User Information List". If you are a SharePoint admin, you can display the list information by typing the following url: http://{sitecollection url}/_catalogs/users/simple.apx When you first visit a...

SharePoint List Synchronization with Excel

A question which is often asked is how you can synchronize a SharePoint list with Excel. The answer differs on what version of Excel you use. Excel 2003 with SharePoint 2007/2010 With Excel 2003 the synchronization works in both directions. This means that you can create a SharePoint list connect to Excel, make changes in Excel and write back to Excel. The single restriction is that you can't create new items in Excel but modify existing ones. Excel 2003 has a bug in which an alert pops up and says that the field is read-only, when you try to modify a field. There is a patch for this bug found here: To synch the lists go to the list you want to synch and click on "Export to Excel" button in the ribbon. The list will be opened in Excel and automatically connected to the SharePoint list. Now you can make changes within the Excel sheet. To synch back click on "Data" >> "List...