
Showing posts from July, 2012

SharePoint Use Confirmation for Site Owners

A problem in SharePoint is to keep content up to date. Therefore SharePoint offers the possibility to create use confirmations. The only problem is that the confirmation can only be approved by the site collection administrators. Not in all companies the site collection admins are also the site owners. This can be due to permission restrictions or other actions that a normal site owner should not do. In this post I'll show you how you can create your own confirmation rules and pages without using visual studio or SharePoint solution files. Standard Site Use Confirmation SharePoint offers an out of the box site confirmation mechanism. It send an email to the site collection owner and updates a counter of how many times a mail is sent without receiving a confirmation. The mechanism does not check the real use of the site. It simply send an email after a period of time to check the use. You can configure it in the Central Administration  under "Application Management...

SharePoint 2013 Developer Training Site

Found this useful site in the microsoft homepage. It contains multiple videos for SharePoint and Office 13 developers:

Sorted Dropdown for MatchPoint Form WebPart with Distinct Elements

MatchPoint is a handy framework for creating fast custom solutions. In this post I'll show you how you can bypass some limitations with the Form WebPart. A customer of mine wanted a sorted select in his form webpart in which he can choose the assigned user of a task list. Something like that: Example of a sorted Dropdown 1.Attempt - The SPListChoiceProvider You can do this easily with a ChoiceField in the Form WebPart. As provider (Source of the Dropdown) a SPListChoiceProvider would be a logical choice. In the SPListChoiceProvider you can select the source list, a key and a value column for the dropdown. Additionally you can also select "UseDistinctValues" to remove duplicate entries. One drawback or missing feature here is the ability to choose an order for the elements. Another is that you can only choose a single field as key. There is no possibility to combine fields. 2. Attempt - The ExpressionChoiceProvider My second attempt was to use...

Localization with SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010

A good resource management is essential when you working with SharePoint. Most custom solutions are not really localized although it's not so difficult to implement. In this post I'll show you which resource types exists while developing SharePoint solutions. Resource Types When you develop SharePoint solutions you'll be creating different types of solution items. This includes: Features WebParts ASPX Pages Custom Code Each of these three items can output something to the user, so each of them must have localization capabilities. Resource Locations You have multiple locations where you can position your resource files. Each location is used by another item and has other code methods. \14\Template\Features\<Feature Name>\Resources\ \14\Resources\ \14\Config\Resources\ <Virtual Directory>\App_GlobalResources\ In this post you'll understand in which cases which folder is used. Only Nr. 3 (\14\Config\Resources) folder is not used ...