
Showing posts from April, 2013

Debugging IIS 7.5 FTP Custom Authentication Provider

A customers need was to have quickly an ftp server to share large files with some third party. The security restrictrions in our company need a two-factor autentication. So I had the idea to create a custom authentication provider where the user can provider his password and token in the ftp password field like password#token. In this post I will not explain how you create a custom authetication provider. This is explained very well on the links I'll post. I found this great blog post of Robert MyMurray where he describes how to create a custom provider with multiple examples. I followed his steps and realized that I couldn't debug the code I wrote with Visual Studio. Then I found this post on, which finally helped me to debug my code. Steps to debug: I assume that: You already created a solution and implemeted one of the examples of Rober McMurray or your own one. You signed your dll and deployed it to your Global Assembly Cache You installed and co...

Offline Metadata Instances in SharePoint 2010 & OfflineTermstoreNames

If you're using powershell to add metadata to your termstore and you see only an entry in the OfflineTermstoreNames property, then it seems that some of your Metadata Services are offline. C:\> $site = Get-SPSite http://mysharepoint/sites/project C:\> $session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)  C:\> $session To activate all instances open the SharePoint Management Shell and type: C:\>$instance = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service"} C:\>$instace It will now display all your instances. If the e.g. first and second are disabled, start it with: C:\>$instance[0] | Start-SPServiceInstance #Start First C:\>$instance[1] | Start-SPServiceInstance #Start Second Wait few minutes. Grab the instance again and check if they are enabled: C:\>$instance = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service"} C:\>$instace Now all Termstores should be...

Migrate a SharePoint Team Wiki to an Enterprise Wiki

Perhaps someone has also migrated his old SharePoint 2007 Team Wiki to SharePoint 2010 and wants to have the cool features from an Enterprise Wiki. I searched a while and I think the best way to do this is to migrate with PowerShell. The List Wiki and the Enterprise Wiki are using different fields so there will be no other way I thing but PowerShell or manually. So the great script for your use. Just adapt the settings for your environment. <# PowerShell Script to migrate Team Wikis into Enterprise Wiki Pages #> # Setup Basic sites and pages $webappURL = "http://sharepoint-uat" $wikiSiteURL = "$webappURL/sites/serverplatforms" $wikiWebURL = "$wikiSiteURL/wiki" $pageFolder = "/Seiten/" $oldWikiWeb = "$webappURL/sites/serverplatforms" $wikiListName = "Team Wiki" try { Write-Host " >> STARTING MIGRATION ..." -foregroundcolo...

Using WebDav on IIS 7 to access UNC Paths

In this post I want to show you step by step how to connect to a file share using webdav on IIS 7. For this post I assume: that you have already an IIS installed on the server  that you have installed WebDav or enabled the WebDav Feature on IIS. the server on which is IIS installed can reach the file share. 1: CREATE APPLICATION POOL The first step is to create a seperate application pool on the IIS. Open the program "Internet Information Services Manager". Click on "Application Pools" Click on "Add Application Pool" on the right menu Name it "WebDav". Let the rest as it. Right click on the new created Application Pool "WebDav" and select "Advanced Settings". Pay attention to the following attributes: .Net Framework Version : No Managed Code Identity : The identity of the Application Pool should be an account which has permissions to read the file share. Load User Profile : Should be set to "False...