Migrate a SharePoint Team Wiki to an Enterprise Wiki
Perhaps someone has also migrated his old SharePoint 2007 Team Wiki to SharePoint 2010 and wants to have the cool features from an Enterprise Wiki.
I searched a while and I think the best way to do this is to migrate with PowerShell. The List Wiki and the Enterprise Wiki are using different fields so there will be no other way I thing but PowerShell or manually.
So the great script for your use. Just adapt the settings for your environment.
I searched a while and I think the best way to do this is to migrate with PowerShell. The List Wiki and the Enterprise Wiki are using different fields so there will be no other way I thing but PowerShell or manually.
So the great script for your use. Just adapt the settings for your environment.
<# PowerShell Script to migrate Team Wikis into Enterprise Wiki Pages #>
# Setup Basic sites and pages
$webappURL = "http://sharepoint-uat"
$wikiSiteURL = "$webappURL/sites/serverplatforms"
$wikiWebURL = "$wikiSiteURL/wiki"
$pageFolder = "/Seiten/"
$oldWikiWeb = "$webappURL/sites/serverplatforms"
$wikiListName = "Team Wiki"
Write-Host " >> STARTING MIGRATION ..." -foregroundcolor green
Write-Host " 1. GETTING SiteColletion: $wikiSiteURL" -foregroundcolor green
$wikiSite = Get-SPSite $wikiSiteURL
$psite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($wikiSite)
Write-Host " 2. GETTING ENTERPRISE WIKI WEB: $wikiWebURL" -foregroundcolor green
$web = Get-SPWeb $wikiWebURL
$pweb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
$pages = $pweb.GetPublishingPages($pweb)
Write-Host " 3. GETTING WIKI PAGE LAYOUT" -foregroundcolor green
$ctype = $web.AvailableContentTypes | ? { $_.Name -eq "Enterprise Wiki Page"}
$layouts = $psite.GetPageLayouts($ctype, $true)
$layout = $layouts[0]
Write-Host " 4. GETTING OLD WIKI" -foregroundcolor green
$wikiWeb = Get-SPWeb $oldWikiWeb
$wiki = $wikiWeb.Lists[$wikiListName]
Write-Host " 5. LOOPING THROUGH THE WIKI LIST ITEMS" -foregroundcolor green
$i = 0;
foreach ($oldItem in $wiki.Items) {
Write-Host ""
# Create a new page in the enterprise wiki
$name = $oldItem["ows_BaseName"]
if ($name -eq "home") {
Write-Host " >> MIGRATING ITEM: $name" -foregroundcolor yellow
$strDestURL = $wikiWebURL + $pageFolder + $name + ".aspx"
Write-Host " >> NEW URL IS: $strDestURL" -foregroundcolor yellow
$page = $pages.Add($strDestURL, $layout)
Write-Host " >> CHANGING PAGE PROPERTIES" -foregroundcolor yellow
$item = $page.ListItem
$author = $oldItem["ows_Created_x0020_By"]
$userID = $web.EnsureUser($author).ID
$item["Title"] = $name
$item["Editor"] = $userID
$item["Author"] = $userID
# Replace the links in the new content
$content = $oldItem["ows_WikiField"]
$newContent = $content -replace "/Team%20Wiki/", "/wiki/Seiten/"
# Add new content to the page
$item["ows_PublishingPageContent"] = $newContent
Write-Host " 6. MIGRATION FINISHED !!" -foregroundcolor green
Write-Host " >> MIGRATED $i SITES." -foregroundcolor yellow
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Host "Error while migration Wiki List...`n" -foregroundcolor red