Using SharePoint Metadata Navigation in Enterprise Wikis

I thought it would be great to use the WikiCategories field in each Enterprise Wiki Page as navigation. This works relatively easy. SharePoint 2010 offers the new metadata navigation mechanism. We'll us it to create the page.

1. Goal

2. Create Enterprise Wiki Site

I had a Team Site and I wanted to create an "Enterprise Wiki" subsite. To use the Wiki site template you must first activate the "Publishing Infrastructure" Feature in your sitecollection features.

The create a new subsite with the "Enterprise Wiki" template.

3. Adapt MetaData Field

  1. Click on "Site Actions" menu on the wiki page
  2. Click on pages
  3. Click on Library in the Ribbon bar
  4. Click on "Library Settings"
  5. Click on "Wiki Category" field
  6. Adapt the field with the tags you want. The meta tags must be configured in the central admin within the metadata service.

4. Activate Metadata Feature

Go to your newly create Wiki site.

  1. Click on "Site Actions" menu
  2. Click on "Site Settings"
  3. Click on "Site features"
  4. Activate the "Metadata Navigation and Filtering" feature

5. Add List WebPart

Now edit the start page of your Enterprise Wiki. Add the "Pages" library as WebPart to your page. When you add the webpart to the page the metadata navigation will automatically appear on the left pane.

6. How it Works

What the Metadata Navigation does is to update your URL with the appropriate filter values. Therefore you can use all type of WebParts which can understand url filtering like the content query webpart or the list webpart.

7. Test it

Add tags to some of your wiki pages. Creat or edit a wiki page and add some tags in the taxonomy field on the right side.

The great thing about meta tags is that there is a hierarchie. When you filter a parent tag all pages with child tags will also appear in the results.

Another great thing is that you can use the tags for filtering in the search refinements.



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